Scratch Coding and LEGO - Private
Code, Create, LEGO-lize: Where Pixels Meet Bricks!
Service Description
Beginner Level: Introduction to Scratch: Familiarize with the Scratch interface, sprites, and backdrops. Basic Scratch Concepts: Learn about simple scripts, loops, and interactive animations. Introduction to Lego Building: Explore basic Lego pieces and create simple structures. Intermediate Level: Advanced Scratch Animations: Dive into creating more complex animations and using conditional logic. Scratch Game Development: Start developing basic interactive games with user inputs. Intermediate Lego Creations: Delve into more advanced Lego builds, integrating moving parts. Advanced Level: Complex Scratch Projects: Learn about cloning sprites, integrating sounds, and more intricate user interactions. Lego Robotics Introduction: Start integrating motors and sensors, and explore basic programming to control Lego robots. Advanced Lego Robotics: Create complex robots and program them using Scratch's Lego extensions or other compatible software.